- Looking longer that 3 minutes for a lost golf ball. Yes, golf balls are expensive. We get it. But there comes a point when making an honest effort turns into dragging it out at the expense of the rest of the group (and the party behind you). After 3 minutes, come to terms with your loss and move on. And going back to those expensive golf balls, save yourself extra grief and money by buying premium brand, mint used golf balls, from GolfBallNut and save 70% on retail.
- Showing up less than 15 minutes before your tee time. this drives the clubhouse manager and those in the pro shop nuts. It also potentially puts the rest of the tee sheet in danger of delay. The 15-minute period is actually generous; most courses would prefer golfers be on the course 30 minutes before balls are in the air.
- Standing behind someone when they are putting. Even if not directly behind them, overtly going to school on someone's putt is untoward.
- Walking through a player’s “through line”. Many amateurs are unaware that a putter’s line extends two-three feet past the hole. This is essential, as if a putt misses long, the through line is where the ball will end up, and it is the path for a golfer to finish the hole out.
- Placing a bag on the tee box. Many that shoulder their sticks fail to keep their stand off the tee box. There's the potential to scuff up the hitting area, but of greater note, bags can be distracting if it's in a player's striking vision.
- Not keeping divots in line at the driving range. Some believe your divots should be in a row, others in vertical lines -- but there's unquestionably a wrong one, as scattering your shots chews up more turf than you need.
- Be mindful of where you place your bag. For those walking, before you put your bag down and walk to the green, take a couple extra seconds to put your bag in the most logical place for you to pick it up and move onto the next hole.
- If your way behind during match play, pick up and move on. The beauty of match play is that strokes don't carry over to the next hole. If it’s apparent you've way behind with no chance, pocket the ball, cut your losses, and get moving.
- Checking your phone too much. It's one thing to check a score or send a text between holes. But continually attached to your phone goes against the spirit of being with friends or one with nature. Even if not causing an audible disruption, you're telling your group that you find them tedious and boring.
- Being crazy about “Gimmies”. This goes in both directions. Whether you are making someone tap in every 2 inch putt, or just automatically giving someone the 8 foot downhill putt, find some consistency with your gimmie.
10 Rules Of Golf Etiquette That You’re Probably Breaking
Jim Clinton